Kingsway Fall Newsletter – October 2023

Dear Friends of Kingsway Christian High School,

We greet you in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ! We heartily thank you for your continued prayer, encouragement, and financial support.

We have successfully closed school for second-term vacation for three weeks. Most of our children have gone to their homes and relatives! Term 2 was very difficult because food prices soared to three or four times higher than at the beginning of the year! Through you, the Lord fed us through the term. For this we cannot thank God enough!

School News

My daughter Comfort is traveling in northern Uganda, following up on our past students and collecting their stories. Students have been very happy to reconnect with Kingsway and share how it has changed their lives.

Reward is working on the Ministry of Education requirements for Uganda National Examinations, which will take place at Kingsway from mid-October to mid-November. This will be the first time our students are sitting for the national examinations at Kingsway since COVID! Pray for us for the resources for running the national examinations, which are always very expensive.

Staff and Building News

We employed four new teachers: an English teacher, a biology and chemistry teacher, a geography and entrepreneurship teacher, and a physics and mathematics teacher. We are still looking for another cook to employ to replace Godfrey. We are also looking for an assistant teacher to help out with Comfort’s subjects.

For the girl’s dorm we’ve completed the most difficult part of the project, installing the roof slab between the floors. We still have some work to do to finish the ground floor and the new toilets for the building.

We were able to install solar panels in the staff residence (below) and we will  do so soon in the examination hall too. Having electricity and lights to study and grade papers in the evening is an answer to prayer for our teachers and students, especially as national exams approach.

Challenges and Prayer Requests

Frequent Power Blackouts

We need funds to install more solar lights at school. In this past term, we had frequent power blackouts, which left the school in total darkness.

The Girls’ Dormitory

We need to finish the girls’ dorm so we can register Kingsway as a boarding school. This will help us to avoid problems with Ministry of Education.

My Travel to the USA This Year

Thank you for your prayers for me for a visa. I did get the Visa to travel to the US in October. I will be in the US from October 12 until November 29 and hope to see some of you. Please pray for me for safe travel to the US. We will send an update soon about US travel.

We thank God for each one of you, remembering you in our prayers for your labor of love for Kingsway, especially for feeding us and providing an education for our vulnerable orphaned children. Your labor is not in vain. May the Lord reward you greatly!


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