Kingsway has been teaching children to train to succeed and building confidence and teamwork by having both boys’ and girls’ football (soccer) teams . They have had a great year so far!

In the first term they played against two other schools and won both times. This term they have two more games.
You can enjoy one of their post-game victory celebrations below.
They arranged with one school that the boys’ team would play against their girls team, just for fun. The boys didn’t take the game too seriously until the girls started beating them! At the end the girls won, 2-1. You can imagine the shouts of joy.
They also had a game between the students and Kingsway’s teachers. The teachers’ team didn’t have enough players for a team so they invited some Kingsway alumni to play with them. But the students still won in the end, 3-2!

Their uniforms were donated by Milly’s son Hope Feni, to give the school some team spirit and allow them to look polished when playing other schools.
Kingsway is currently working on improving their sports programs, because sports are very popular with students in Uganda. If you would like to donate towards this project, go to this page.
They are also asking for donated sports equipment in west Michigan, while Dr. Erema is visiting the US in October/November 2023. Contact kingswayministriesuganda@gmail.com for more information.